Thought for the day

Some Reasons why China's GDP is Likely to Continue Growing Faster than that of the USA

Last updated: 30 December 2024
China's GDP growth record is extraordinary; its education system is extraordinary (it graduates 1.4m engineers a year and over 20% of the world's bachelor degrees); it is far ahead of all countries in patent applications; it has a vast and highly skilled workforce focussed on the most tech intensive industries; and suggestions that China will get old before it gets rich due to the ending of its "demographic dividend" have been debunked by a recent paper pointing out that demographic changes have not been a critical driver of increases in GDP per Capita. Last but far from least, Asia as a whole is by far the biggest and fastest growing part of the world economy.

The Future is Asia: 2030
Using 5-year CAGR for projections
Some Reasons why China

GDP in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data. 

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