
Updated: October 2024

  • Data is combined for the 7 member countries of the G7 that accounted for 25.8% of Global GDP in 2023, and 14.2% of global GDP growth in the past 10 years (2013-2023).
  • The G7 is home to over 776 million people with an average life expectancy of 82 years and a current median age of 43, against a global average of 30.


Data Quality Ratings are derived from scores in five areas: Base year recency; System of National Accounts framework version; Informal economy size; Statistical resources available; and likelihood of Government interference. Scores are based on a 0-100 scale. Read more...

The percentages in the table below show how the number of countries in each region score on a scale of A-E, e.g. 4% of African countries publish grade B quality GDP data. The percentages for each sub-region are the splits within the region. (All rows sum to 100).

GDP Data Quality Ratings
Grade: A = Good as it gets -> E = Extremely poor quality
      GDP Data Quality Rating Grades
      A B C D E
+   IPEF   50% 8% 25% 8% 8%
+   OECD   71% 26% 3% 0% 0%
+   G7   100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
+   G20   51% 33% 16% 0% 0%
+   NATO   59% 38% 3% 0% 0%
Click the regions to drill down into the data

Data Notes
Data Quality Index numbers shown on a scale of 0-100.
         0 = Poor, 100 = Excellent.

Rating definitions:
         A: As good as it gets
         B: Good
         C: Use with caution
         D: Poor
         E: Extremely poor quality

The index calculations and displayed data are derived from the most current and up-to-date source data available.

GDP Size data is shown in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data.

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) column shows the growth rate for the region on that line as a whole over the past decade.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP PPP, Int$: 2023
      GDP 2013
(Billions, Int$)
GDP 2023
(Billions, Int$)
Share of
Global GDP
(%, 2023)
+   IPEF   $51,040.9 $71,910.6 34.9%
+   OECD   $67,538.3 $82,916.6 40.2%
+   G7   $44,763.6 $52,923.6 25.7%
+   G20   $118,093.8 $164,235.9 79.7%
+   NATO   $51,237.7 $63,187.5 30.7%
Click the regions to drill down into the data

Data Notes
GDP in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data, produced by World Economics.

Share of Global GDP expressed as a percentage of the sum of GDP for all countries in the World Economics database.

GDP PPP data in constant 2021 prices, latest data update: June 2024.


Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) are derived from GDP Data in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data.

The GDP Data has been developed by World Economics using World Bank PPP data, IMF growth rates and World Economics research into base year uplifts and the informal economy size..

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) & Share of Global GDP Growth
GDP PPP for 2013-2023
      10-Year CAGR
5-Year CAGR
3-Year CAGR
Share of GDP Growth
+   IPEF   4.1% 2.9% 5.2% 35.7%
+   OECD   2.3% 1.8% 3.9% 26.3%
+   G7   1.8% 1.4% 3.4% 14.0%
+   G20   3.9% 3.0% 5.0% 78.9%
+   NATO   2.3% 1.9% 4.0% 20.4%
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Data Notes
Data Quality Index numbers shown on a scale of 0-100.
         0 = Poor, 100 = Excellent.

Grade definitions:
         A: As good as it gets
         B: Good
         C: Use with caution
         D: Poor
         E: Extremely poor quality

GDP in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data.

Share of Global GDP Growth expressed as a percentage of the sum of GDP for all countries in the World Economics database.

Displayed data and calculations are based on the latest data available to end of year 2023.

The table below shows GDP per Capita (a proxy for Wealth). The data uses is the World Economics GDP database with population data sourced from the United Nations Population Prospects database.

GDP Per Capita
GDP PPP for 2013-2023
      GDP per Capita
GDP per Capita
GDP per Capita
GDP per Capita
+   IPEF   $19,644 $27,676 40.9% 4.1%
+   OECD   $48,369 $59,383 22.8% 2.3%
+   G7   $56,928 $67,306 18.2% 1.8%
+   G20   $23,799 $33,098 39.1% 3.9%
+   NATO   $52,861 $65,190 23.3% 2.3%

Click the regions to drill down into the data

Data Notes
GDP per capita derived from World Economics GDP data for 2013-2023 measured in PPP Int$ terms, with added estimates for the Informal economy and adjustments for Base Year age.

Population data sourced from the United Nations Population Prospects database.

Displayed data and calculations are based on the latest data year: 2023.


The Population Data Quality Rating is derived from three factors: a country's latest Census Year; its Capacity for producing statistical data; and its Registration of Births data. Read more...

The percentages in the table below show how the number of countries in each region score on a scale of A-E, e.g. 4% of African countries publish grade B quality population data. The percentages for each sub-region are the splits within the region. (All rows sum to 100).

Population Data Quality Ratings
Grade: A = Good as it gets -> E = Extremely poor quality
      Data Quality Rating Grades
      A B C D E
+   IPEF   58% 33% 8% 0% 0%
+   OECD   34% 42% 13% 11% 0%
+   G7   71% 29% 0% 0% 0%
+   G20   40% 35% 16% 9% 0%
+   NATO   24% 45% 17% 14% 0%
Click the regions to drill down into the data

Data Notes
Data Quality Index numbers shown on a scale of 0-100.
         0 = Poor, 100 = Excellent.

Rating definitions:
         A: As good as it gets
         B: Good
         C: Use with caution
         D: Poor
         E: Extremely poor quality

The index calculations and displayed data are derived from the most current and up-to-date source data available.
Related Insights

Population Profile

World Economics has collated key demographic data for in the tables below.

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) column shows the growth rate for the region on that line as a whole over the past decade.

Population Size & Growth

(2013-2023, %)
+   IPEF   2,348.2 2,598.3 1.1%
+   OECD   1,316.1 1,396.3 0.6%
+   G7   750.2 786.3 0.5%
+   G20   4,650.7 4,962.1 0.7%
+   NATO   915.8 969.3 0.6%

Life Expectancy
Median Age
Fertility Rate
Age Dependency
(Total, %)
+   IPEF   77.2 35.6 1.7% 48.9%
+   OECD   80.0 39.9 1.6% 54.8%
+   G7   81.6 42.7 1.5% 59.4%
+   G20   78.0 39.5 1.6% 53.7%
+   NATO   78.9 41.3 1.6% 55.5%
Click the regions to drill down into the data

Data Notes
Data sources:
The displayed data are derived from the most current and up-to-date source data available.


The Governance Index combines data on Rule of Law, Press Freedom, Political Rights and Corruption Perceptions. The individual Indexes are combined using equal weights to form the Governance Index.

The percentages in the table below show how the number of countries in each region score on a scale of A-E, e.g. 14% of G7 countries attain grade B governance levels. The percentages for each sub-region are the splits within the region. (All rows sum to 100).

Governance Ratings
Index: 0 = Extremely poor, 100 = Good as it gets
      Governance Rating
      A B C D E
+   IPEF   42% 8% 25% 17% 8%
+   OECD   76% 16% 3% 5% 0%
+   G7   86% 14% 0% 0% 0%
+   G20   56% 26% 7% 7% 5%
+   NATO   69% 24% 3% 3% 0%
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Data Notes
Index numbers are all rebased and shown on a scale of 0-100.
Governance: 0 = Extremely poor governance, 100 = As good as it gets.
Corruption Perception: 0 = Bad, 100 = Good.
Rule of Law: 0 = low rule of law, 100 = High rule of law.
Press Freedom: 0 = Low press freedom, 100 = High press freedom.
Political Rights: 0 = Low political rights, 100 = High political rights.

Source: World Bank (Rule of Law), RSF (Press Freedom), Freedom House (Political Rights), Transparency International (Corruption Perceptions).

All source data has been re-indexed on a scale of 0-100 for comparison purposes.

The displayed data are derived from 2023 data sources.