Austria GDP: $640 billion


World Economics estimates Austria's 2024 GDP at $640 billion in PPP terms (Purchasing Power Parity) and an initial estimate of $647 billion for 2025. This figure is 9% higher than the official estimate published by the World Bank.

World Economics' methodology incorporates crucial factors often overlooked in official estimates, such as:

  • The size of the informal economy: It is estimated that 9% of Austria's economic activity occurs outside the formal sector.
  • Outdated GDP base year data: Many countries use outdated base years for their GDP calculations, leading to an underestimation of economic growth. Austria uses a chain-weighted GDP base year.

By adjusting for these factors where required, World Economics provides a more accurate picture of Austria's true economic size and potential.

For reference, offical data reported Austria's GDP as $421 billion in 2015 constant prices and $509 billion in current prices for 2024.

Data source: World Economics Research, London

Country 2024 Estimate
Billions, Int$
2025 Estimate
Billions, Int$
World Economics
Data Quality Rating

China $41,365.56 $43,268.37 C
United States $26,879.79 $27,605.54 A
India $22,022.56 $23,454.02 C
Russia $8,315.93 $8,432.36 C
Japan $6,271.78 $6,340.77 A
Indonesia $5,903.33 $6,204.40 C
Germany $5,808.46 $5,825.88 A
Brazil $5,486.24 $5,606.94 B
France $4,317.21 $4,351.75 A
United Kingdom $4,119.35 $4,185.26 A
Mexico $4,012.04 $4,068.21 C
Türkiye $3,987.76 $4,095.43 B
Italy $3,859.48 $3,886.50 A
Korea, Rep. $3,296.97 $3,369.50 A
Egypt $3,039.95 $3,164.59 E
Spain $2,817.45 $2,882.25 A
Saudi Arabia $2,722.47 $2,812.32 C
Nigeria $2,523.27 $2,604.02 E
Canada $2,510.79 $2,561.01 A
Thailand $2,283.99 $2,352.51 D
Bangladesh $2,140.00 $2,236.30 E
Vietnam $2,042.51 $2,167.11 E
Poland $2,036.90 $2,108.20 B
Pakistan $2,036.17 $2,101.33 D
Australia $1,747.34 $1,784.03 A
Philippines $1,735.50 $1,841.37 C
Argentina $1,720.25 $1,806.26 C
Malaysia $1,688.57 $1,762.87 B
Taiwan $1,631.28 $1,675.32 A
Netherlands $1,375.09 $1,397.09 A
Colombia $1,332.96 $1,366.29 B
South Africa $1,310.23 $1,329.88 B
Romania $980.81 $1,013.18 B
Kazakhstan $965.43 $1,009.84 D
Belgium $907.92 $918.81 A
United Arab Emirates $907.39 $953.66 B
Ukraine $901.88 $924.43 C
Singapore $834.68 $855.55 A
Peru $812.24 $833.36 D
Switzerland $800.46 $810.87 A
Sweden $777.16 $795.81 A
Algeria $747.83 $770.27 C
Chile $714.60 $731.75 A
Ireland $688.66 $703.81 A
Austria $640.42 $647.47 A
Czechia $600.60 $614.42 A
Ethiopia $589.69 $628.02 E
Israel $576.71 $592.28 A
Norway $574.33 $584.67 A
Hong Kong $571.77 $588.92 A
Portugal $541.58 $554.04 A
Angola $522.08 $536.70 E
Denmark $503.33 $511.39 A
Kenya $502.90 $528.05 D
Greece $489.97 $499.77 B
Hungary $488.14 $502.30 B
Myanmar $480.62 $485.90 D
Morocco $456.54 $472.98 C
Uzbekistan $430.59 $455.14 D
Sri Lanka $418.30 $409.52 C
Tanzania $404.26 $428.51 D
Qatar $395.88 $403.40 C
Ghana $379.25 $395.94 C
Ecuador $373.86 $378.34 D
Dominican Republic $369.64 $388.13 B
Finland $369.16 $376.54 A
Belarus $364.04 $372.42 C
Cote d'Ivoire $348.07 $370.34 C
Guatemala $344.18 $356.57 D
Congo, Dem. Rep $308.56 $323.99 E
Azerbaijan $304.79 $312.41 D
Kuwait $301.62 $311.57 D
New Zealand $283.10 $288.48 A
Bulgaria $280.72 $287.74 B
Panama $251.68 $259.23 D
Nepal $249.88 $262.13 E
Slovak Republic $249.06 $253.79 B
Serbia $244.39 $254.41 B
Oman $242.64 $250.17 B
Uganda $220.22 $236.74 D
Bolivia $218.03 $222.83 E
Cameroon $215.66 $224.72 D
Croatia $211.20 $217.33 B
Sudan $204.49 $221.46 E
Tunisia $203.21 $206.47 D
Libya $183.74 $208.91 E
Costa Rica $177.34 $183.54 B
Afghanistan $176.79 $182.97 E
Paraguay $171.66 $178.19 D
Lithuania $165.66 $169.96 B
Cambodia $160.21 $169.50 E
Uruguay $151.47 $156.02 B
Jordan $141.13 $145.22 B
Senegal $134.10 $146.57 C
Guyana $134.05 $153.35 E
Zambia $133.38 $142.19 D
Turkmenistan $133.31 $136.38 D
Georgia $131.01 $138.87 B
Slovenia $128.53 $131.88 A
Bahrain $122.15 $126.06 B
Honduras $117.47 $121.58 E
Zimbabwe $116.46 $123.45 E
Mali $114.39 $119.42 E
El Salvador $111.18 $114.51 C
Gabon $102.97 $105.64 E
Guinea $100.64 $106.37 E
Luxembourg $98.61 $101.27 A
Laos $97.17 $100.57 E
Madagascar $94.94 $99.31 E
Burkina Faso $93.97 $99.42 C
Latvia $90.51 $92.59 B
Bosnia and Herzegovina $87.11 $89.72 D
Armenia $86.72 $90.97 B
Lebanon $86.17 $81.09 D
Mozambique $84.62 $88.26 D
Benin $83.29 $88.71 C
Nicaragua $81.43 $84.52 D
Niger $77.45 $83.10 C
Mongolia $76.57 $81.93 B
Congo, Rep. $74.46 $77.21 E
Estonia $69.73 $70.85 B
Botswana $69.61 $73.23 C
Papua New Guinea $68.53 $71.06 E
Tajikistan $68.50 $71.58 D
Albania $67.93 $70.24 C
Rwanda $67.26 $71.64 C
Trinidad and Tobago $62.18 $63.67 D
Cyprus $61.95 $63.87 A
Kyrgyzstan $61.03 $64.08 D
Chad $60.22 $62.51 E
Yemen, Rep. $59.61 $60.50 E
North Macedonia $57.89 $59.97 B
Moldova $56.63 $58.73 B
Brunei $54.57 $55.93 C
Haiti $54.38 $54.92 E
Malawi $53.07 $55.20 C
Mauritania $50.23 $52.34 D
Namibia $46.08 $48.02 C
Mauritius $43.20 $44.93 B
Jamaica $43.06 $43.96 E
Malta $42.15 $43.84 B
Togo $40.62 $42.77 C
Iceland $29.45 $30.15 A
Sierra Leone $27.54 $28.78 D
Eswatini $23.16 $24.13 D
Burundi $21.13 $21.87 E
Bahamas, The $20.30 $20.65 B
Bhutan $19.07 $20.45 E
Suriname $17.00 $17.51 C
Liberia $15.11 $15.99 E
Gambia $14.19 $15.02 D
Central African Republic $11.26 $11.59 E
Lesotho $9.49 $9.70 C
Guinea-Bissau $7.95 $8.35 E
Cabo Verde $6.74 $7.06 C
Comoros $4.20 $4.37 D

See: Data for individual countries by using country lists

Note: Data for years shown use end of of year values.

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Data quality rating definitions:
         A: As good as it gets
         B: Good
         C: Use with caution
         D: Poor
         E: Extremely poor quality

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