Turkey's Population Size


Turkey's population is estimated by the United Nations to be in 2022.

Turkey last conducted a national census in and % of births in Turkey are recorded. Read more from the World Economics Population Data Quality Ratings and see how Turkey compares to other countries around the world and in the region.

Turkey's data is highlighted in the table below, use the filter and sort order options to allow easy comparison with other countries.

Data source: United Nations, Washington D.C., Eurostat, Luxembourg and World Economics Research, London

Total Population: All Countries 2022 Estimate

India 1,450.9
China 1,419.3
United States 345.4
Indonesia 283.5
Pakistan 251.3
Nigeria 232.7
Brazil 212.0
Bangladesh 173.6
Russia 144.8
Ethiopia 132.1
Mexico 130.9
Japan 123.8
Egypt 116.5
Philippines 115.8
Congo, Dem. Rep 109.3
Vietnam 101.0
Türkiye 87.5
Germany 84.6
Thailand 71.7
United Kingdom 69.1
Tanzania 68.6
France 66.5
South Africa 64.0
Italy 59.3
Kenya 56.4
Myanmar 54.5
Colombia 52.9
Korea, Rep. 51.7
Sudan 50.4
Uganda 50.0
Spain 47.9
Algeria 46.8
Argentina 45.7
Afghanistan 42.6
Yemen, Rep. 40.6
Canada 39.7
Poland 38.5
Morocco 38.1
Angola 37.9
Ukraine 37.9
Uzbekistan 36.4
Malaysia 35.6
Mozambique 34.6
Ghana 34.4
Peru 34.2
Saudi Arabia 34.0
Madagascar 32.0
Cote d'Ivoire 31.9
Nepal 29.7
Cameroon 29.1
Niger 27.0
Australia 26.7
Mali 24.5
Burkina Faso 23.5
Taiwan 23.2
Sri Lanka 23.1
Malawi 21.7
Zambia 21.3
Kazakhstan 20.6
Chad 20.3
Chile 19.8
Romania 19.0
Senegal 18.5
Guatemala 18.4
Netherlands 18.2
Ecuador 18.1
Cambodia 17.6
Zimbabwe 16.6
Guinea 14.8
Benin 14.5
Rwanda 14.3
Burundi 14.0
Bolivia 12.4
Tunisia 12.3
Haiti 11.8
Belgium 11.7
Jordan 11.6
Dominican Republic 11.4
United Arab Emirates 11.0
Honduras 10.8
Czechia 10.7
Sweden 10.6
Tajikistan 10.6
Papua New Guinea 10.6
Portugal 10.4
Azerbaijan 10.3
Greece 10.0
Hungary 9.7
Togo 9.5
Israel 9.4
Austria 9.1
Belarus 9.1
Switzerland 8.9
Sierra Leone 8.6
Laos 7.8
Turkmenistan 7.5
Hong Kong 7.4
Libya 7.4
Kyrgyzstan 7.2
Paraguay 6.9
Nicaragua 6.9
Bulgaria 6.8
Serbia 6.7
El Salvador 6.3
Congo, Rep. 6.3
Denmark 6.0
Singapore 5.8
Lebanon 5.8
Finland 5.6
Liberia 5.6
Norway 5.6
Slovak Republic 5.5
Central African Republic 5.3
Oman 5.3
Ireland 5.3
New Zealand 5.2
Mauritania 5.2
Costa Rica 5.1
Kuwait 4.9
Panama 4.5
Croatia 3.9
Georgia 3.8
Mongolia 3.5
Uruguay 3.4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.2
Qatar 3.0
Moldova 3.0
Namibia 3.0
Armenia 3.0
Lithuania 2.9
Jamaica 2.8
Albania 2.8
Gambia 2.8
Gabon 2.5
Botswana 2.5
Lesotho 2.3
Guinea-Bissau 2.2
Slovenia 2.1
Latvia 1.9
North Macedonia 1.8
Bahrain 1.6
Trinidad and Tobago 1.5
Estonia 1.4
Cyprus 1.4
Mauritius 1.3
Eswatini 1.2
Comoros 0.9
Guyana 0.8
Bhutan 0.8
Luxembourg 0.7
Suriname 0.6
Malta 0.5
Cabo Verde 0.5
Brunei 0.5
Bahamas, The 0.4
Iceland 0.4

See: Data for individual countries and underlying data click on the country name
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