Guyana's GDP PPP per Capita: $33,739


Nigieria's GDP per capita (PPP) is estimated to be $33,739 for 2024. This figure is derived from a GDP (PPP) of $134 billion, which accounts for the informal economy and any base year effects, and a population of 0.8 million.

GDP per capita (PPP based) is a crucial economic metric that measures a country's economic output per person. It's calculated by converting a nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) into international dollars using Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) exchange rates, which reflect the actual cost of living within a country. This adjusted GDP figure is then divided by the total population to determine the average economic output per individual.

Guyana's data is highlighted in the table below, use the filter and sort order options to allow easy comparison with other countries.

Data source: World Economics Research, London

GDP Per Capita (PPP, Int$, 2021 Constant Prices) Latest Data

Luxembourg 146,507
Singapore 143,055
Ireland 131,313
Qatar 129,612
Brunei 117,460
Norway 102,816
Switzerland 89,710
Denmark 84,211
United Arab Emirates 82,241
Saudi Arabia 80,014
Malta 78,372
United States 77,804
Belgium 77,335
Hong Kong 77,156
Bahrain 76,009
Netherlands 75,437
Iceland 74,960
Sweden 73,230
Taiwan 70,354
Austria 70,201
Germany 68,674
Finland 65,719
Australia 65,431
Italy 65,024
France 64,854
Korea, Rep. 63,775
Canada 63,149
Israel 61,452
Kuwait 60,990
Slovenia 60,730
United Kingdom 59,590
Spain 58,817
Lithuania 57,946
Russia 57,246
Czechia 55,979
Panama 55,675
Croatia 54,533
New Zealand 54,295
Poland 52,840
Portugal 51,989
Romania 51,591
Estonia 51,221
Japan 50,667
Bahamas, The 50,588
Hungary 50,432
Greece 48,714
Latvia 48,352
Malaysia 47,484
Kazakhstan 46,744
Oman 45,814
Cyprus 45,641
Türkiye 45,497
Slovak Republic 45,214
Uruguay 44,666
Bulgaria 41,577
Trinidad and Tobago 41,193
Gabon 40,435
Belarus 40,084
Argentina 37,652
Serbia 36,314
Chile 36,088
Costa Rica 34,590
Georgia 34,379
Mauritius 33,947
Guyana 33,739
Dominican Republic 32,371
Thailand 31,857
North Macedonia 31,830
Mexico 30,640
Azerbaijan 29,482
Armenia 29,168
China 29,145
Botswana 27,571
Bosnia and Herzegovina 27,565
Suriname 26,724
Egypt 26,079
Brazil 25,804
Colombia 25,139
Libya 24,787
Paraguay 24,761
Albania 24,331
Bhutan 24,126
Ukraine 23,725
Peru 23,703
Mongolia 22,022
Indonesia 20,825
Ecuador 20,590
South Africa 20,435
Vietnam 20,264
Guatemala 18,747
Moldova 18,644
Eswatini 18,597
Sri Lanka 18,124
Turkmenistan 17,809
El Salvador 17,544
Bolivia 17,520
Tunisia 16,519
Algeria 15,947
Namibia 15,204
Jamaica 15,183
India 15,178
Philippines 14,992
Lebanon 14,828
Angola 13,777
Cabo Verde 12,838
Laos 12,526
Bangladesh 12,327
Jordan 12,212
Morocco 11,991
Uzbekistan 11,873
Nicaragua 11,787
Congo, Rep. 11,730
Ghana 11,009
Cote d'Ivoire 10,897
Honduras 10,877
Nigeria 10,825
Mauritania 9,699
Cambodia 9,096
Kenya 8,925
Myanmar 8,835
Kyrgyzstan 8,501
Nepal 8,430
Pakistan 8,106
Cameroon 7,401
Senegal 7,240
Zimbabwe 7,002
Guinea 6,831
Papua New Guinea 6,480
Tajikistan 6,453
Zambia 6,237
Tanzania 5,896
Benin 5,764
Gambia 5,136
Comoros 4,835
Rwanda 4,719
Mali 4,672
Haiti 4,618
Ethiopia 4,473
Uganda 4,399
Togo 4,263
Afghanistan 4,146
Sudan 4,060
Lesotho 4,059
Burkina Faso 3,983
Guinea-Bissau 3,618
Sierra Leone 3,178
Madagascar 2,970
Chad 2,963
Niger 2,859
Congo, Dem. Rep 2,823
Liberia 2,693
Malawi 2,450
Mozambique 2,437
Central African Republic 2,116
Burundi 1,505
Yemen, Rep. 1,466

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